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Man Spends £1,500 Every Month To Stop Himself From Ageing

 A man has been spending £1,500 a month to stop ageing and says he would even consider getting frozen so he can come back in the future, IGBERETV reports.

Leon Kurita-Goudlock, 36, says he believes in biohacking, a term for ‘upgrading your body’ and says he decided to take action after seeing his parents die.

The fashion worker now takes up to 60 pills a day and said he would like to live forever.

He says if living forever isn't going to work out then he will do everything to grow into old age.

Leon, who was born in the US but lives in London, said: ‘I would like to live forever.

‘My mum died when she was 70 of cancer and my dad died of cardiovascular issues when he was 86 this year.

‘The last 20 years of their lives were a complete misery, they were taking care of each other, they both had cancer and other diseases such as diabetes, heart failure, heart attacks and could barely walk.

‘At that point, why are you alive? There is nothing sadder than carrying your own parents up the stairs and giving them sponge baths.’

Leon says there are five levels of biohacking, starting from less taxing fitness and fasting to level five which is known as futuristic biological alterations.

After watching his parents struggle with their health, Leon decided to make drastic changes to his lifestyle 10 years ago and started with level 1 of bio-hacking.

He says each morning he wakes up between 4am and 5am and takes time to himself to do meditation, go to the gym and drink two litres of water.

He eats between 1,500 and 1,800 calories a day between 6pm and 9pm and fasts for the rest of the day.

He drinks water and black coffee to supress his hunger and enjoys a mainly Japanese diet with foods such as brown rice, seaweed, miso soup, meat, fish, fruit and veg.

As a father to his daughter, Seline, one, and husband to Ryoko, 33, he doesn’t fast on the weekend and eats what he wants to have a balance.

But Leon refuses to drink during the week and only drinks four to six units of alcohol at the weekend often missing work functions because of his abstinence.

He added;

‘Lots of people want a quick and easy solution, it’s not magic and a lot of people brush off level one.

‘Fasting is the most prolific thing that I do.

‘Water fasting is when you go three to 14 days without eating and the only thing you can consume is water and salt for electrolytes.

‘I do a ten-day water fast once a year. I feel stronger than other people like I have conquered something.

‘Once I did a dry fast which is more controversial. I did four fays of fasting with no food or water. I was fine but I wouldn’t do it again.’

Leon claims fasting helps control all blood markers and improves your cholesterol levels and cell function and allows homeostasis – biological stability- to return to the body to reverse aging.

Moving up, level two consists of different kinds of therapies such as red-light therapy, infrared therapy and taking lesser known supplements.

Leon said: ‘I take 60 pills a day and spend a few grand every month on supplements.

‘I do red light therapy once a day for 45 minutes to decrease the aesthetic stages of aging.

‘It can take a while and won’t be a quick fix Benjamin Button solution, but it can reverse the aging process.’

The father-of-one also uses cryotherapy – sitting in a freezing cold tank pumped full of liquid nitrogen and sits in ice baths for three minutes at a time to reduce the effects of aging.

Leon added: ‘I have colon hydrotherapy every six months- this is where they stick a water tube up you’re a** and clean your colon. It costs £80.

‘You would be horrified at all of the things that come out- there are days and weeks worth of faecal matter and even cysts.’

Afterwards, Leon will have a colonoscopy – a camera stuck into his rectum to ensure his bowels are healthy.

Leon said: ‘Health comes above everything including family and friends.

‘I wear the same clothes every day and I would rather have an ice bath and buy a new selection of supplements than buy new things.’

‘I go to Harley Street for my testing and have done a 3D scan of my heart and extensive blood work which tests for 100 biomarkers for a complete picture of my health.’

Level four of biohacking is quite advanced and involves stem cell therapy, hormone therapy, pep tides, drinking your own urine and taking prescription medication.

He added: ‘Stem cells are things that keep us young but they decrease with age.

‘There is a famous doctor in Utah who does whole body stem cell treatment.

‘The treatment which I am going to do one day costs $120,000 (£102,000) and they inject every single joint in your body with stem cells- including your private parts- to make you young again.’

‘People get embarrassed with hormone therapy, especially men, because there is a stigma if you have low testosterone your d*** doesn’t work, but it is something you should get fixed.


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