I will go straight to the point. .. .. 1. At earliest stages (Nursery, and Early Basic Stages), pupils should be tested with examinations that ascertain their motor skills, and every other basic skills and basic abilities.. 2. At mid stages (Basic Classes, and Junior Collage Classes), The students should be tested with examinations that dwell more on ascertaining the strength of their retentive memories. (2b. Then, at Senior Collage, the students should be gradually introduced to “knowledge-based examinations”, which test the residual and acquired knowledge of the students on the subject, and not necessarily what the students remember. Thus, the exams should be in forms that allow and encourage the students to give their answers in their very own words, and not necessarily the way it was presented inside the textbooks.. In fact, anybody who presents an answer similar to what was contained inside the textbooks shouldn't have any score.) 3. At later stages (Higher Insti...