The ad-hoc committee set up by the Senate to investigate oil theft and consequent damage on the nation’s economy said on Tuesday that Nigeria lost $2 billion, equivalent to N1.3trillion, to oil theft between January and August this year. The Senate on April 14, 2022, constituted a 13- member Ad – Hoc Committee on Oil Lifting, Theft, and the impact on Petroleum Production and Oil Revenues under the chairmanship of Senator Akpan Bassey, who is also the chairman, of the Senate Committee on Petroleum ( Upstream). The committee’s report adopted by the Senate in plenary on Tuesday made far-reaching recommendations for stemming the tide but failed to name a single person or corporate entity carrying out the oil theft. In one of its findings, the committee said, “Nigeria lost over $2bn to oil theft between January and August 2022, with consequent loss of revenue that would support the country’s fiscal deficits and budget implementation.” The report indicated concerted efforts...