Iran has publicly hanged a 23-year-old man in what is the second execution linked to the recent anti-government protests. Majidreza Rahnavard, 23, was hanged early on Monday, December 12 in the city of Mashhad, Iran's judiciary said. Rahnavard, who is also a wrestler was hanged just 23 days after his arrest. A court convicted him of "enmity against God" after finding he had stabbed to death two members of Iran's paramilitary Basij Resistance Force. The Basij is a volunteer force often deployed by Iranian authorities to suppress dissent. Human rights groups have warned that protesters are being sentenced to death after sham trials with no due process. Rahnavard was denied a lawyer of his choice for his trial. The lawyer he was given did not put up a defence. His mother was not told of the execution until after his death according to reports. His family members were then given the name of a cemetery and a plot number. When the family turned up at the cem...