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Showing posts with the label Longest-serving Palestinian prisoner released from Israeli prison

Longest-serving Palestinian prisoner released from Israeli prison

  The longest-serving Palestinian prisoner, Karim Younis, has been released after serving 40 years in Israeli prisons, Al-Jazeera reports. Israeli prison authorities released Younis, 66, from Hadarim prison just north of Tel Aviv at dawn on Thursday morning. He was arrested in 1983 and charged in Israeli courts with the killing of an Israeli soldier in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights three years prior. Younis hails from the Palestinian village of Ara in Israel, where large crowds of relatives and friends greeted him on Thursday. Younis spoke to Al-Jazeera shortly after his release, comparing it to a “military operation”. He said that he had been moved between different police cars before being dropped off at a location that turned out to be a bus station in Ranana, a town north of Tel Aviv.   There, he was able to get in contact with his family, with the help of a passer-by. Reporting from Ara, Al Jazeera’s Imran Khan said Younis was released at 5:30 am (02:30GMT) and that p...